Prices and Packages

  • $30- Single Lesson

    Single lessons can be purchased for Toddler & Water Guardian classes, or added on to an existing package of lessons. Single lessons may also be purchased for a student with special circumstances, but only after emailing

  • $120- Package of 4

    Lesson packages may be purchased for any age group- Toddler & Water Guardian, Child Lessons, Adult Lessons, or Sharpen my Stroke. The 4-pack will consist of two lessons a week for two weeks, or a BLITZ week with four lessons in one week.

  • $170- Package of 6

    Lesson packages may be purchased for any age group- Toddler & Water Guardian, Child Lessons, Adult Lessons, or Sharpen my Stroke. The 6-pack of lessons will consist of three lessons a week for two weeks.

  • $220- Package of 8

    Lesson packages may be purchased for any age group- Toddler & Water Guardian, Child Lessons, Adult Lessons, or Sharpen my Stroke. The 8-pack of lessons will be scheduled twice a week for four weeks.

  • $100- Monthly SwAmmers Membership

    ADULT SWIM!! SwAmmers/ Swim Fitness monthly membership is for experienced lap swimmers who would like coached swimming workouts in a fun environment. Workouts will be offered around standard work hours, and will be 45 min- 1 hour long.

  • $60-Single Private Lesson

    25 minute lesson for a swimmer of any age. Please contact for availability, and to confirm private lessons are a good fit. 4-Pack single private lessons are $220, or $100 for 2 siblings or friends for 45 minutes. We will have a variety of instructors available.