Swim lesson Progression

  • ONE- Seal Pups

    Face Underwater, Bobs, Holding breath, Safety Crab Walking, Floating holding hands, Work to Floating for 10 seconds unassisted.

  • TWO- Shrimp

    Streamline out to instructor no kick, streamline farther with kick, streamline w/ doggy paddle arms/ head in the water= reach and pull, Reach and pull with breathing up, Streamline + Reach and Pull + breathing to specific marker

  • THREE- Otters

    Floating on Back assisted, Floating on back unassisted for 10 seconds, Floating on back + twist to stomach and swim, Increase swim distance + twist to back + twist to stomach

  • FOUR- Dolphins

    Backstroke kicking- arms at side or streamline, Backstroke kicking with arms- chicken/ airplane/ rocket, Freestyle kicking with streamline, start side breathing, Begin underwater work shallow water, Backstroke kicking with arms to marker, side breathing with arms to specific marker.

  • five- black marlins

    Backstroke with arms- 20 yards, Freestyle with side breathing- 20 yards, Underwater work deeper water, Diving, Jumping off the diving board. Intro to breaststroke and butterfly.

  • Sharpen my stroke

    Lessons for swimmers more advanced than FIVE. Swimmers will continue to learn breaststroke, butterfly, and more proficient swimming. Adult Sharpen My Stroke lessons will be tailored the the swimmers in the group.